
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Free lecture on BEC Opportunities in Indonesia

BogorEduCARE (BEC) is a professional educational institutions in the field of Business Administration provided for FREE for high school graduates or equivalent / Package C, which originated from keuarga unable economically, but still has the desire to learn and improve skills.

BogorEduCARE organized by the Independent Educational Care Foundation, headed by Mr. Ir. H. Ahmad Kalla, who is also the owner and leader of the group of PT Bukaka President of Engineering. BEC was established on August 9, 2001 and until now has been running 11 the number of graduates armed with as many as 406 people.


Self-Care Foundation Education BogorEduCARE overshadow the social institutions that receive deposits and manage ZISWAF (Zakat, infak, shodaqoh, and Endowments) and other donations from various parties, both individuals and institutions / companies. All funds collected during the ebrhak was allocated in the form of providing FREE educational facilities and the provision of adequate supporting infrastructure yanag.

Students only bear the cost for private purposes, for example: the cost of transport / boarding, food processing tasks, as well as other individual needs of each student.

Number of Students

Currently, the number of students currently enrolled at Education BEC tergbaung totaling 120 people in the force 11 years from 2007 to 2008

In the reception program 12 years from 2008 to 2009 BEC Force planned to accept 250 new students in accordance with the capacity of the new building and facilities which have been owned pendukunynya BEC.

Education Program

Education in BogorEduCARE (BEC) is focused on areas of business administration skills. This program aims to score a professional administrative staff that is able to handle the paperwork. The materials taught are: English, Computer, Administration, Mental Attitude, Entrepreneurship and additional material that was Applied in the world of work.

Teaching and learning process takes place every day Monday-Friday at 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 pm. To complete the study period is three Caturwuan (12 months). At the end of the education of every student is required to implement Industrial Practice (PI) as a condition penyeleasaian Tuigas Study End.

Educational Facilities

BogorEduCARE occupies 3000m2 cellular location of study consisting of three floors (2lantai still under construction) with facilities study rooms / classrooms, a computer lab with LAN and Internet systems, Lab Language (Audio Visual, Library, Places of Worship, rentals and internet cafes, parks and facilities Other supporting.


1. Capable of handling office administration duties
2. English proficient in spoken and written
3. Advanced menggoperasikan computer (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point, Corel Draw, Photoshop, computer networks and the Internet
4. Mahir fast typing 10 finger technique
5. Having a positive mental attitude about entrepreneurship and poengetahuan

Work Distribution

BEC provides job placement assistance and distribution of the graduates to various companies in the country. BEC currently have agreements with PT Multi Mandiri Services (MMS) which is engaged in the distribution of domestic labor.

Admissions Process

Stages in the acceptance of BEC is the New Students

1. Registration
2. Selection Tesk written (PsikoTest)
3. Field surveys (home)
4. Interviews / interviews
5. MIM (Student Orientation Period)


Registration Conditions

1. Applicants are Male / Female high school graduates or equivalent / c Package keulusan year 2004-2008
2. Candidates come in person to the place of registration with the following requirements:
* FC Certificate of Graduation Certificate + NEM + List values by showing the original
* FC third grade high school report cards / equal / C Package
* FC ID card / valid identity
* FC unable certificate from RT / RW, signed headman / village heads
* Certificate of parents income
* Parent permission letter (signed by Mr & Mrs)
* Pas color photos 2 × 3 = 2 pieces and 3 × 4 = 2 sheets
3. All the requirements included in the envelope


* Registration
* Written Tesk Selection (Academic Ability)
* Candidate Survey Dwelling (house)
* Interviews / interviews


General Requirements

* Male or Female Islamic Religious
* Not Married
* Derived from Disadvantaged Families
* Graduated from high school or equivalent or Package C
* Maximum age 22 years at the time of registering

Administrative Requirements

* Fill out the Registration Form
* Certificate from the Village or Disadvantaged Keluarahan
* Copy of the legalized Last Diploma or Certificate Graduation + Value List
* Copy Raport Class 3 high school or equivalent or Package C
* Copy of Identity Card (KTP)
* Copy of Family Card (KK)
* Slip or Salary Certificate Income Parents
* Parent Permission Letter
* Pas Photo Color 2 × 3 (2 lbr) and 3 × 4 (2 lbr)
* The registration file is inserted into the large envelope


April-July 2009


* Campus BogorEduCARE

Jl. RT 3.6 Cikiray Talbot Village, Bogor Regency, Phone 271 607 0251 Fax 271 608 0251

cp Yuli Ekawati, Ita Rosita (Monday-Friday Hours 08:00 to 16:00 (Break 11:30 to 12:30)

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